Heijdra Services — Studio DBLY
Heijdra Services — Studio DBLY
Heijdra Services — Studio DBLY
Heijdra Services — Studio DBLY

Heijdra Services

Heijdra Services B.V. is a contracting company and project developer with services that are all-encompassing when it comes to civil engineering. Many years ago we created its logo and co-developed their previous website. It was time for the company to move forward in the online future though and so we were asked to took on the design and development of a new website in a similar style as the website we created for partner company Heijdra Milieu. We did so with pleasure and for this job we created most of the content, photography and copy, and we set the company up on social media in lign with the fresh look of the new website.


Graphics, Web


October — 2021